The Garden of Eden Investment Group Inc is an investment group with offices in Dover DE, Phoenix AZ and Silicon Valley that facilitates and connects multiple partners, private shareholders, venture capital and private equity firms, angel investors and institutional investors with green building, sustainable living technology affordable housing communities and eco-village development projects with multiple sources of international capital investments providing a greater pool of capital with a greater ability to invest more broadly.
The Garden of Eden Investment Group has created a large international network of Industry leaders and experts in the sustainable, green building materials industry that include strategic partnerships, equity partnerships, technology partnerships, consultants and advisors. This includes diverse fields of expertise including proprietary hempcrete and lime plaster IP formulations with ongoing University of Sherbrooke research, Concrete/Hempblock factory engineers, system designers, factory operations managers, the largest hemp hurd and hemp processors/distributors, and green building materials supply chain procurement experts in hemp, adobe, cob, straw bale, rammed earth, ocean freight containers and grey block insulated composite concrete form (ICCF). The Garden of Eden Investment Group is creating a technology partnership with Besser Concrete Block Machines Manufacturing and World Center For Concrete Technology to engineer, design, build and install the first Hempblock Production factory in USA.
The Garden of Eden Investment Group is expanding its value chain for the exploration and investigation resources to fund the research and development in a new paradigm of affordable housing residential communities, including Modular Construction Prefab Factory Facilities using AI Robotics and smart chip technology with design, engineering, building and installation.
GOEIG Business Services Summary
Pioneering a Trillion-Dollar Industry in Sustainable Conscious Living in Spiritual Economic Transformation Introducing the Star Light Soul Tribe (SLST) Subscriber
GOEIG INC Seeks Equity Partnerships with Landowners, Investors, Private Lenders, Strategic Partners
GOEIG Intellectual Property
GOEIP business plan and operations are specifically designed to establish significant Intellectual Property Value (IP), Proprietary Trade Secret and Strategic & Equity Partners to raise funding for sustainable living community developments.
GOEIG Intellectual Property (IP), Proprietary Trade Secrets, Design Systems, and Goodwill has earned the respect and admiration to expand its strategic partners, alliance partners, and equity partners worldwide. GOEIG has created its IP, Trade Secrets, International Brand and R&D in Exploratory Advancement from a variety of proprietary processes, designs, green building material applications/formulas, methods, practices, plans, techniques, procedures and integrative systems engineering compilations included in the following:
Sustainable Living/Green Building International Strategic Partners & Equity Partners
OR & CA Development Projects with Real Estate Option Rights; County Planning Dept Strategic Alliances
Real Estate Landowner Partners; Green Building Value Chain and Supply Chain; Goodwill
Green Building Technology Partners with Patents/Trade Secrets; Architecture Home Design Styles using-
Sustainable Building Materials-- Hemp/Cob/Adobe/Rammed Earth/Container/Strawbale/BioCeramic
International Eco Village Subscriber List and USA Green Home Buyers Subscriber List Totals over 57,000
Management Team; Office Administration Staff; Strategic Alliances; Advisory Board; Industry Leaders
Eco-Village Off-The-Grid Community Urban Planning Designs with Integrative Engineering Systems
Renewable Energy System Designs; Sustainable Living Water Engineering Design Systems
Water Harvesting, Rain Capture, Water Recycling and Structured Water Technology System Designs
State-of-the-Art Permaculture Designs & Technologies; Biological Living Sewage System Designs
Organic Food Forest Gardens & Edible Landscape Design Systems; Regenerative Organic Animal Ranching
GOEIG Sustainable Living Development Projects
GOEIG green building, sustainable living developments include eco-villages, destination retreats and resorts with event centers in CA, OR, CO and Dubai, UAE. GOEIG operations are designed from a proprietary innovative holistic, “Integrative Systems Engineering Discipline” using state-of-the-art permaculture technologies, sustainable green build-ing materials, strategic partners, and technology partners to combine architects, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, green building contractors, water design system & renewable energy engineers, landscape architects, agronomists and eco-village community designers to pro-duce a coherent whole that is not dominated by the limiting perspective of one single discipline. www.GoeInvestmentGroup.com/projects
GOEIG Mission Statement
GOEIV is dedicated to developing sustainable living residential developments and destination retreats that combine proprietary, exclusive innovative permaculture design systems to meet community development goals that enable natural systems to provide the necessary natural resources and ecosystem services to its community residents. GOEIG is creating a new paradigm in eco village and destination retreat development designs where Green Building Architects, Engineers, Green Building General Contractors, Landscape Architects and Permaculture Designers work together in innovative teams collaborating in integrative engineering systems. Our innovative leadership development programs create visionary Teams that work together to create new solutions for healthy sustainable living conditions and resources to meet human needs without undermining the planetary integrity and stability of the precious earth’s natural eco-systems.
​GOEIG History
​GOEIG recently incorporated in the state of Delaware but has been in buisness for several years creating upscale sustainable living/eco village development projects in predevelopment phases with green engineering, integrative design systems, community urban planning, pitch decks, websites, business plans, marketing plans, investment strategies, investor relations campaigns, crowd funding, fund raising, strategic partners, alliance partners, partners, equity partners, technology partners. The Garden of Eden Investment Group continually expands its value chain for the exploration and investigation resources to establish the funding for the research and development for green building technologies, supply chain resources, modular construction prefabrications for green homes, affordable homes full turnkey engineering, design, building and installation.

The Garden of Eden Investment Group is dedicated to building sustainable, green-building developments that include the following developments:

Garden of Eden Hemp Train
Decortication Facility
The first Stage One of production is an on-site state of the art Hemp Train decorticator system that has a patented kinetic separation technology system from Canadian Greenfield Technologies Corp that separates round and square baled hemp straw into high-volume, high-value Hemp Hurd

GOE Modular Constructed
Hempblock Homes Factory
The 3rd stage involves Modular Home Construction Factory with Tiny Homes and manufactured homes Factory where all the different home sections-- exterior walls, interior walls, roof, flooring are constructed in factory, delivered by truck and assembled by crane.

Garden of Garden Hempblock
Production Factory
The 2rd Stage is the on-site automated Bessser Hempblock production system that can make 21,000 8" x 12" x 16" hemp blocks per day. The inventory is palletized and then transferred to open sided ware-house for curing, storage and fulfillment

GOE Modular Constructed 3D Hempcrete Printed Homes
The 4th stage involves Modular Constructed 3D Hemp-crete Printed Homes Factory with Tiny Homes and Man-ufactured Homes Production. All the home sections-- exterior walls, interior walls, roof, flooring are construct-ed in factory, delivered by truck, assembled by crane.
Green-Built Homes Technology
Green-Built Home Technology is Green Construction or greener building options that use permaculture design principles that integrate human activity with natural surroundings to create highly efficient self-sustaining ecosystems. Green-Built homes are environmentally accountable and resource-efficient in the home’s life cycle from planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition. Green-Built Home Technology uses the following: