Green-Built Homes Technology
Green-Built Home Technology is Green Construction or greener building options that use permaculture design principles that integrate human activity with natural surroundings to create highly efficient self-sustaining ecosystems. Green-Built homes are environmentally accountable and resource-efficient in the home’s life cycle from planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition. Green-Built Home Technology uses the following:
Green-Built Home Technology Reduces all the elements
Green-Built Home Technology focuses on reducing energy use, water use, Heating and AC use, materials and reducing the carbon footprint of the construction project; and using “lean construction” that reduces waste on a construction site, saving money and reducing environmental impact of the project.
Green-Built Home Technology uses Passive Design Building Features
Orientation, thermal mass, insulation, Appropriate shading, glazing, Skylights,Ventilation and air tightness window and door design, and heat recovery ventilation systems all work together to take advantage of natural sources of heating and cooling design, such as sun and breezes, and minimizing unwanted heat gain and loss and works with the local climate to maintain a comfortable temperature in the home reduce or eliminate the need for additional heating or cooling.
Sustainable Natural Buildings Materials

HEMPCRETE-- natural building material made from the inner woody core and mixed with a lime-based binder and water. It is applied by using in a mixer and spray applied/hose on the spraying machine or hand-placed hempcrete with cast in place. Hempcrete has good thermal and acoustic insulation capabilities and acts as an insulator and moisture regulator. It absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere and is a lightweight insulating material, finishing plaster, and combines insulation and thermal mass while providing a positive impact on the environment.

3D PRINTED HEMPCRETE-- Hempcrete is a very breathable porous material with excellent fire resistance and thermal insulation properties, the latter being beneficial in reducing heating and cooling energy demands. It is significantly lighter than concrete, and a fraction of the compressive strength, that requires supports to carry vertical loads.

HEMPBLOCK-- all natural building material made from hempcrete that comes in various block sizes and is a very viable substitute for construction. Hempblock walls are hygroscopic meaning it is able to absorb water from its surroundings and allows moisture transfer through the walls thereby controlling humidity and temperature. This results in constant, comfortable room temperatures all year round and significantly reduces heating and cooling costs, and carbon emissions. The combination of lime (low fired limestone) and hemp particles creates a flexible hygroscopic (breathable) matrix that eliminates mold build up in the building.

ADOBE-- Adobe is Spanish for mudbric-- mudbrick material is an air-dried brick, made of a mixture of mud, clay, sand and water, straw. It is a building material made from earth and organic materials and refers to any kind of earthen construction, or various architectural styles like Pueblo Revival or Territorial Revival. Adobe is among the earliest building materials, and is used throughout the world.

COB-- natural building material made from subsoil, water, straw and sometimes lime. It is a natural building material made from subsoil, water, fibrous organic material (typically straw), and sometimes lime. Cob is fireproof, resistant to seismic activity and uses low-cost materials, although it is very labor intensive. It can be used to create artistic and sculptural forms, and its use has been revived in recent years by the natural building and sustainability movements.

RAMMED EARTH HOMES-- constructed of compacted soil molded in plywood forms. It is a technique for constructing foundations, floors, and walls using compacted natural raw materials such as earth, chalk, lime, gravel. It is an ancient method that has been revived recently as a sustainable building method.

STRAW-BALE-- a natural building material building material that uses bales of straw, wheat, rice, rye and oats straw having a structural frame of other materials, usually lumber or timber-frame, with bales serving as insulation and plaster substrate. Straw-bale construction is a sustainable method for building with both materials and energy needed for heating and cooling. A combination of framing and load-bearing techniques may also be employed, referred to as "hybrid" straw bale construction. The structural frame for an infill bale wall can be anything the local codes allow.
Shipping container homes are gaining more popularity across the world because they’re a green based material from repurposing a decommissioned Ocean freight container into a low cost affordable home. Shipping container homes are gaining more popularity across the world because they’re cost-efficient, durable, and faster to build than other options. Constructing a container home requires fewer building materials and labor and cost less than building a traditional house.
The average cost to build a house in 2023 in the USA is around $300,000 whereas building a shipping container home can cost around $35,000 with larger and more high-end container homes can cost up to $185,000. The construction of a conventional home takes 7 months while building a container home usually takes around a month.
Container built homes are highly durable and can survive a hurricane or tornado. Corten steel is in containers which is more durable than lumber. The containers’ metal frames are often reinforced with additional steel beams that can withstand winds up to 170 mph.
Container homes are easily adjustable where you can combine multiple containers to make a large home with numerous rooms and can adjust the containers’ arrangement in endless configurations including stack them to create multiple floors or connect them sideways for a bigger space. can transport your shipping container home to a new location. They are much easier to heat or cool than traditional homes and can be more energy-efficient and you can add other energy-saving features with solar panel systems, insulation, and green roofing.

An earth shelter, also called an earth house, earth bermed house is a structure with earth (soil) against the walls, on the roof, or that is entirely buried underground. Earth acts as thermal mass, making it easier to maintain a steady indoor air temperature and therefore reduces energy costs for heating or cooling. The use of earth mass against building walls as external thermal mass, which reduces heat loss and maintains a steady indoor air temperature throughout the seasons, A building can be described as earth-sheltered when it has a thermally significant amount of soil or substrate in contact with its external envelope, where “thermally significant” means making a functional contribution to the thermal effectiveness of the building in question.

Smart Virtual Reality Technology Sales Interactive Website
A dedicated Smart-Technology website will feature virtual home tours, interactive floor plans and virtual sales counselor to enable ordering options and facilitates all orders and sales transactions. The Virtual Reality Interactive website operates in a highly organized and detailed process for the Small Developer, Large Real Estate Residential Community Developer, Custom Home Builder, and Home Owner to place customized home orders for fully, sustainable Green-Built Hempcrete & Hempblock Technology Homes.