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3D Printing

The  Garden of Eden Investment Group has created a large international network of Industry leaders and experts in the sustainable, green-building hemp materials industry that include strategic partnerships, equity partnerships, technology partnerships, consultants and advisors.   From diverse fields of expertise including proprietary hempcrete and lime plaster IP formulations with ongoing University of Sherbrooke research, Concrete block factory engineers, designers, factory operations managers, to the largest hemp hurd and hemp processors/distributors, supply chain procurement, the Garden of Eden Investment Group is creating a technology partnership with Besser Concrete Block Machines Manufacturing and World Center For Concrete Technology to engineer, design, build and install the first Hempblock Production factory in USA.  


The Garden of Eden Investment Group is expanding its value chain for the exploration and investigation resources to establish the funding for the research and development of a Modular Constructed 3D Hempcrete Printed Homes Factory Facility including engineering, design, building and installation.          

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